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Product Details
It has an almost large tree of the family Anacardiaceae, which is planted in most tropical regions and is native to the United States. The fruit is large, four to five centimeters long and 3 to 3.5 centimeters wide, in the shape of a heart or a large bean seed, and at the beginning the color of its skin is green and after ripening it turns yellow. The base of the fruit is a swollen and bulky part like a pear, inside this swollen fleshy part, it is a little sweet and delicious, and the main part of the fruit, which is in the shape of a bean seed on top of this swollen part, has a kernel like almond kernels.
Chemical Constituents
The most significant components of the S. anacardium Linn. are bhilwanols, phenolic compounds, biflavonoids, sterols and glycosides. Bhilwanol from fruits was shown to be a mixture of cis- and transisomers of ursuhenol; this compound consists mainly of 1,2,dihydroxy-3(pentadecadienyl 8’,11’)benzene and 1,2,hydroxy-3(pentadecadienyl 8’)benzene. Other components isolated are, anacardoside, semecarpetin, nallaflavanone, jeediflavanone, semecarpuflavanone, galluflavanone, anacarduflavone mono-olefin I, diolefin II, bhilawanol-A, bhilawanol-B, amentoflavone tetrahydroamentoflavone semicarpol, anacardic acid, tetrahydrobustaflavone, O-trimethyl biflavanone A1(21), O-trimethyl biflavanone A2, O-tetramethyl bifl avanone A1, O-hexamethyl bichalcone A, O-dimethyl biflavanone B, O-heptamethyl bichalcone B1, O-hexamethyl bichalcone B2, O-tetramethyl biflavanone C., phenolics.
Medical disclaimer
Everyone should know their temperament and choose foods which are more appropriate for them. Regular consumption of foods which have the same temperament with a person will cause physical and psychological complications. If you are going to use medicinal herbs continuously and for a long time, be sure to consult your doctor. Rasin IT GmbH does not accept responsibility for the side effects of consuming these products.
The information and reference guides in Anurasfood website are intended solely for the general information for the reader. The contents of this web site are not intended to offer personal medical advice, diagnose health problems or for treatment purposes. It is not a substitute for medical care provided by a licensed and qualified health professional.
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