Manna of Hedysarum

Scientific Name : Alhagi maurorum
Synonyms : Hedysarum Alhagi L., Alhagi Camelorum Fisch., Alhagi Maurorum Baker
Other Names in English : Persian Manna, Camel Thorn
Family : Leguminosae

General Data

Product Details


It is a sweet substance that sits on Camel Thorn plant which is from Leguminosae family. This plant has many thorns and small flowers and grows in dry places. In hot season and in late summer, drops of Manna of Hedysarum appear on the leaves and branches of this plant during the night and the villagers collect them early in the morning before sunrise.

Chemical Constituents

Melezitose, Sucrose.

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Everyone should know their temperament and choose foods which are more appropriate for them. Regular consumption of foods which have the same temperament with a person will cause physical and psychological complications. If you are going to use medicinal herbs continuously and for a long time, be sure to consult your doctor. Rasin IT GmbH does not accept responsibility for the side effects of consuming these products.
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