Gum Ammoniac

Scientific Name : Dorema Ammoniacum D.Don
Synonyms :
Other Names in English :
Family : Umbelliferae

General Data

Product Details


It’s an oil resin gum is derived from plants of the Umbelliferae family. It is a perennial plant and in the form of a shrub, its stem is thin and covered with fine light yellow hair, which gives the plant a cotton color. Its flowers are reddish-bluish. This plant grows in Iran and India. To get the gum, the stems of the plant are cut with a razor, and the gum comes out, which hardens in the presence of air. Dorema gum is marketed as a clear mass on which cracks and bright yellow lines can be seen. The color of the good and clean type is white, its taste is bitter and it has a special smell, and if it is mixed with water, a milky liquid is made, which tastes bitter.

Chemical Constituents

Nitrogen containing compounds including amines (73.5 %), alkaloids (17.2 %) and amides (9.3 %), terpenoieds consists of monoterpens (82.88 %), sesquiterpens (12.97 %) and diterpens (4.14 %), hydrocarbons involving aliphatic hydrocarbons (88.66 %), aromatic hydrocarbons (7.5 %), cyclic hydrocarbons (3.83 %), alcohols (2.76 %), ketones (3.95 %) and miscellaneous coumpounds (2.22 %).

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Everyone should know their temperament and choose foods which are more appropriate for them. Regular consumption of foods which have the same temperament with a person will cause physical and psychological complications. If you are going to use medicinal herbs continuously and for a long time, be sure to consult your doctor. Anurasfood does not accept responsibility for the side effects of consuming these products.
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